Hello from the new system

I never thought I’d need a “system” to keep track of my books, but as I explain on the home page of this little website, I felt it had become necessary.

First, the commercialisation of Goodreads where I have tracked my reading for over 15 years is worrying, and their attitudes toward accessibility and the portability of data are becoming more prescriptive as time is passing. Then there’s the fun book trailers I have been producing, which is a side of reading I’d never considered before, so I am really enjoying that and wanted to unify things under my own umbrella. I already pay for the web hosting alongside my own email (strong views on that), and there was room. Spinning up a new blog wouldn’t cost me anything, so here we are.

The eventual aim of this site is to have these 3 major parts all working together. This part, my own little blog. The reviews, copied initially from Goodreads but here when they’re new. And the trailers, those little audio posts I’d been putting up on Mastodon collected together in one place.

Finally, the idea of interoperability is important to me. I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to subscribe to those trailers as a podcast, read the reviews on your fediverse client of choice, or get my blogs in your email. So hopefully I can tie it all together and it’ll work out.


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